Aquarium Plant for New Tanks: Amazon Sword

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All About Amazon Sword Plants for Your Fish Tank

Creating a beautiful and thriving fish tank is a rewarding hobby, and one of the essential elements to consider is the choice of aquatic plants. Among the various options available, the Amazon Sword plant stands out as a popular choice for both beginner and experienced aquarium enthusiasts. In this guide, we will explore all there is to know about Amazon Sword plants and why they can be a fantastic addition to your fish tank.

Amazon Sword
(Echinodorus amazonicus)

The Amazon Sword, a striking aquatic plant native to the Amazon River basin, enhances aquariums with its elegant sword-shaped leaves while serving as a functional addition that oxygenates water, filters out excess nutrients, and provides natural shelter for fish.

Getting to Know the Amazon Sword Plant

The Amazon Sword plant, scientifically known as Echinodorus grisebachii, is native to the tropical regions of the Amazon River basin in South America. Its name originates from its long, sword-like leaves that can grow up to 20 inches in length, making it a striking addition to any aquarium. These plants are typically green, but some variations have reddish or bronze-colored leaves, adding variety to your tank’s aesthetics.

Benefits of Amazon Sword Plants

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the primary reasons aquarists choose Amazon Sword plants is their visual appeal. Their lush, vibrant green leaves provide a natural and visually pleasing background in your fish tank. Their elegant appearance creates a natural and harmonious environment for your aquatic pets.

Oxygenation and Water Filtration

Amazon Sword plants are not only eye-catching but also functional. They play a crucial role in oxygenating the water and absorbing excess nutrients, which helps maintain water quality. The improved water clarity benefits both the plants and the fish, contributing to a healthier ecosystem.

Natural Habitat for Fish

The dense foliage of Amazon Sword plants offers hiding places for fish and other aquatic creatures. Many species of fish, such as angelfish and tetras, appreciate the shelter and security provided by these plants. This creates a more natural and stress-free environment for your fish.

Suitable Tank Conditions


To ensure the healthy growth of Amazon Sword plants, appropriate lighting is essential. These plants are considered moderate to high light plants, so invest in quality aquarium lighting to provide them with the necessary illumination. LED lights with adjustable settings are a popular choice for maintaining the right light intensity.


A nutrient-rich substrate is crucial for Amazon Sword plants. Consider using a substrate specifically designed for planted tanks, which provides essential nutrients like iron and trace elements. A deep substrate layer of at least 2 inches allows the plant’s roots to anchor securely and access nutrients.

Water Parameters

Amazon Sword plants thrive in tropical water conditions. Keep the water temperature between 72ยฐF and 82ยฐF (22ยฐC – 28ยฐC). Maintain a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. Regular water changes are necessary to prevent the accumulation of harmful compounds.

Planting and Maintenance

Planting Technique

When planting Amazon Sword plants, ensure that the roots are buried in the substrate while leaving the crown (the point where the roots meet the stem) above the substrate. Planting multiple Amazon Sword plants in groups can create a more visually appealing effect.

Trimming and Pruning

As Amazon Sword plants grow, they may require periodic trimming and pruning to prevent overcrowding. Remove old or damaged leaves to encourage new growth. Be careful not to damage the crown or root system during this process.

Nutrient Supplementation

While Amazon Sword plants obtain most of their nutrients from the substrate, it’s advisable to supplement with liquid fertilizers or root tabs. This ensures they receive a balanced diet of essential nutrients for robust growth.

Compatibility with Fish and Tankmates

Amazon Sword plants are generally compatible with a wide range of fish and tankmates. However, some larger herbivorous fish species, like certain cichlids, may nibble on the plant leaves. In such cases, it’s essential to monitor your fish’s behavior and consider alternative plants or protective measures.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Algae Growth

Excessive algae growth can be a concern in planted tanks. To combat this issue, maintain a consistent lighting schedule, perform regular water changes, and ensure the plants receive adequate nutrients. Algae-eating fish or snails can also help control algae growth.

Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can indicate a nutrient deficiency, typically iron. Consider adding an iron-rich fertilizer or root tabs to address this issue.

Slow Growth

If your Amazon Sword plants exhibit slow growth, review your tank’s lighting, substrate, and water parameters. Adjust these factors as necessary to create an optimal environment for the plants.


In conclusion, Amazon Sword plants are a fantastic addition to any fish tank, offering both aesthetic beauty and functional benefits. Their stunning appearance, oxygenation properties, and ability to create a natural habitat for fish make them a top choice for aquarists. By providing the right tank conditions and maintenance, you can enjoy a thriving aquarium filled with lush, vibrant Amazon Sword plants and happy, healthy fish.

So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, consider adding these remarkable aquatic plants to your fish tank for a visually stunning and ecologically balanced aquatic environment. Your fish will thank you for it!

Amazon Sword
(Echinodorus amazonicus)

The Amazon Sword, native to the Amazon River basin, graces aquariums with its sword-like leaves, enhancing aesthetics. Beyond its beauty, it benefits fish tanks by oxygenating water, filtering impurities, and providing shelter to fish, making it a versatile and attractive addition for aquatic enthusiasts.

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